About Us
FIT4SALE was established in 1999 and has become one of the Leading Fitness Equipment Company’s worldwide. The company specializes in New & Re-manufactured equipment in all markets to include Retail, Vertical and Commercial. The President and CEO Nick Pugh have been in the fitness equipment industry for over 25 years. FIT4SALE is one of the most well respected companies in the Fitness Equipment Industry for its sound business management, commitment to customer support and quality workmanship. One of the primary goals of FIT4SALE is to establish relationships with our customers and partners that allow us to help contribute our knowledge and expertise to achieve a greater success.
Our Commitment to our customers and partners extend much further than just equipment sales…we approach each customer on a consultative basis that allows for a much greater experience and result. FIT4SALE understands all the idiosyncrasies and facets of running and managing health clubs as FIT4SALE either owns or has partnered in health clubs in California, Mexico and Ukraine.
Our philosophy guides our direction…Our growth will directly be attributed by the overall satisfaction of our customers and partners worldwide ethically and responsibly.
FIT4SALE has established itself as a company with far reaches into areas worldwide such as Europe, Asia, South America, Middle East as well as North America. Traditionally, and rightfully so; American made Fitness Equipment has become the dominant world leader with brands like Precor, Life Fitness, Star Trac and Stairmaster to name a few. It is our intention to provide such products to existing and newly established markets that will give FIT4SALE a true place on the map.
FIT4SALE has a reputation of being one of the leading New & Re-manufacturing companies in the world…this provides FIT4SALE with opportunities based on referrals from Health Clubs from one side of the globe to the other. Our process of continual learning of existing and emerging markets as well as New Trends has enabled FIT4SALE the ability to consult with our customer base intelligently and progressively.
It is no secret that the Fitness Industry must change its business model from Yearly to Monthly customer commitments with and without initiation fees. FIT4SALE understands the challenges and has positioned itself to provide “Added Value” to our customers and partners to enable them to orchestrate the design and implementation of proven Fitness Club strategies for maintaining membership for today’s Health & Fitness Clubs.
What we do:
FIT4SALE is Quality! We provide New & Re-manufactured fitness equipment, support and education for the growth of our existing and new customer base. It is our goal to provide the very best to our ability in quality products and services that directly affects the success of our customers and partners.
Whether its new or re-manufactured equipment; it all starts with our technicians and production departments. We strive to search and provide a better quality and best pricing on parts and services that will allow us to replace and re-manufacture effectively and economically to ensure optimum profitability and safety for our customers and partners. Our production time is based on quantity, specific models and immediate availability manufactured/OEM parts. Production lead times can range anywhere from 2 weeks to 10 weeks depending on availability of the products and parts, as well as current production we are currently servicing. Our philosophy is simple here; “treat each customers as thou they were our only customer”.
Our commitment:
It is the intention of FIT4SALE to continue to stay as one of the leading Fitness Equipment companies. This can only be accomplished by our continued support of our customers and partners.
Our quality product, support and inventory continue to be our priorities, but we will not fall short of our continuing education and learning from our customer needs and requirements in order to stay on the path of success and growth.
FIT4SALE is committed to our customers and partners Today, Tomorrow and in the Future.